Document Type : Research article
Image Processing and Information Analysis Lab, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
SAR images are used in many applications such as building detection. Extracting the building is very challenging due to the radar nature of the SAR images. However, due to the advantages of radar images such as day and night imaging, building extraction from SAR images is a hot topic. In this context, one of the main challenges is the effect of building orientation on the profile created in the SAR image. Also, the two geometric distortions of shadow and layover affect the SAR image. In most building extraction methods, shadow and double bounce are used as two main parameters in building detection. In this paper, different morphological profiles for detecting shadow index and double-bounce index (DMPSIDI) method have been developed using its combination with the method based on statistical features for building extraction. The DMPSIDI method is a morphological-based method that extracts buildings from SAR images independent of changing their profile. The proposed method is also robust to different data using weighting in the main parameters of shadow and double bounce.
- The proposed method is robust to changes in the orientation of buildings.
- Two morphological indicators are fused.
- Buildings with flat and gables roofs are detected.
- The false alarm rate is reduced by weighting the indicators in different structural elements.
- Detection ratio is increased by using statistical information of the image.
Main Subjects
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